Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introduction and some Characters

Hello my name is Tonya Banner. Me and my partner Zana Kitty have been working on a new detailed stories that revolve in a world of superheros We have done our best to create characters that have both creative powers and realistic persionnality.  To get you ready till we officially post the first chapter I am going to show you images of some of the characters so you can see what we envision they look like and hopefully you will check back till our first post is up. 


Nicky is a crazy girl who can be both loving and destructive. Her goal is to do everything before she dies meaning that she is not afraid to cause trouble to reach her goal. Her powers include create barriers and being able to go into peoples mind.


Heather is a kind person with a troubled past. Once living on the streets and she was addicted to many drugs including some unknown ones that resulted in her gaining superpowers. Although she now works with other heros she is always watchful of people and is always struggling to control her former drug problems and stay clean. Heather has super speed which she always jokes was caused because of her former problems with the drug Amphetamine also known as speed.